Physical Education

Our school has a proud sporting history, that is conintinuing to thrive through the instruction of our Physical Education Specialist Teacher, Mr Jack Prendergast. Over recent years, our Faction Swimming Carnival and the Interschool Swimming Carnival have been exciting events for Term 1.

Each year students participate in local and interschool carnivals for Cross Country, Winter Sports and Athletics. One thing we are most proud of is our students participation and encouragement efforts. They work as a team to support each other and show a great pride as a school collectively. 

We still remain proud of our 2019 highlights which was winning the ‘Team Events Shield’ at the Interschool Athletics Carnival and in doing so we extended our unbroken record to 13 years.


In 2022 and 2023, Mrs Gow, demonstrated the talent of our students with the 'Dance through the Decades' concert. Each class performed a dance, solely choreographed by Mrs Gow. The students looked amazing and did our school proud when they showedcased their skills to the community in their peformances at the Eastern Hills Auditorium. 


Upcoming events:

  • Friday 24 May 2024: Winter Lightning Carnvial - Year 4-6: Football, Soccer, Netball, Hockey, Basketball